MATH333: Assessment Week 17

Assessment Deadline: Week 18, Tuesday 5pm.

A continuous random variable Y is said to have a gamma distribution with positive shape parameter α and positive rate parameter β if it has a probability density function of the form:


where Γ(α)=0xα-1exp{-x}𝑑x is the gamma function. In the following, assume that the shape parameter α is known.

  1. 1.

    By re-expressing the probability density function, show that the gamma distribution belongs to the exponential family with canonical parameter θ=1-β. Carefully define the parameter space for θ. [3]

  2. 2.

    Write the cumulant generating function for the gamma distribution and show that 𝔼[Y]=α1-θ and var(Y)=α(1-θ)2. [2]

  3. 3.

    An operator of a theme-park ride will only allow a kart to go once all of the seats are filled. Assume that the arrival time of the customers are independent of one another and that there are α seats in every kart. It follows that the waiting time of the kart follows a gamma distribution with shape parameter α and unknown rate. Let y1,,yn be independent waiting time measurements of the kart at the loading station.

    1. (a)

      Using your answer to question 1 or otherwise, derive the maximum likelihood estimate for the canonical parameter θ. [2]

    2. (b)

      Derive an expression for the expected information for θ at the MLE. [2]

    3. (c)

      The table below presents 20 independent waiting times in seconds of a kart containing 4 seats whilst at the loading station. Calculate the MLE and an approximate 95% confidence interval for θ. [1]

      58 91 86 93 81 138 125 68 85 48
      164 53 43 114 111 153 67 198 64 51

      [Hint: You may use the fact that the MLE has an approximate Normal distribution, with mean θ and variance equal to the inverse of the expected information i.e. θ^𝑎N(θ,1/IE(θ^))]